📄️ Introduction
What is middy
📄️ Getting started
📄️ How it works
Middy implements the classic onion-like middleware pattern, with some peculiar details.
📄️ Early Response
Some middlewares might need to stop the whole execution flow and return a response immediately.
📄️ Handling Errors
But, what happens when there is an error?
📄️ Streamify Response
Middy also supports streamed responses.
📄️ Testing
This page is a work in progress. If you want to help us to make this page better, please consider contributing on GitHub.
📄️ Use with TypeScript
Middy can be used with TypeScript with typings built in in every official package.
📄️ Hooks
Middy provides hooks into it's core to allow for monitoring, setup, and cleaning that may not be possible within a middleware.
📄️ History
A brief history of Middy
📄️ Influence
Middy has been one of the first projects to encourage the adoption of middlewares to simplify code reuse and best practices within the context of Lambda.
📄️ Utilities
This page is a work in progress. If you want to help us to make this page better, please consider contributing on GitHub.
📄️ Release Cycle
Each major release has a two (2) month Alpha period, one (1) month Beta, before a full release and becomes Stable.
📄️ Contributing
In the spirit of Open Source Software, everyone is very welcome to contribute to this repository. Feel free to raise issues or to submit Pull Requests.
📄️ Sponsoring
If Middy is adding value to your project or organization and you would like to support its long term maintenance, becoming a sponsor is a great way to do that.