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The Http Serializer middleware lets you define serialization mechanisms based on the current content negotiation.


To install this middleware you can use NPM:

npm install --save @middy/http-response-serializer


  • defaultContentType (optional): used if the request and handler don't specify what type is wanted.
  • serializers (array): Array for regex and serializer function.
serializers: [
regex: /^application\/xml$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => `<message>${body}</message>`,
regex: /^application\/json$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => JSON.stringify(body)
regex: /^text\/plain$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => body
defaultContentType: 'application/json'

Serializer Functions

When a matching serializer is found, the Content-Type header is set and the serializer function is run.

The function is passed the entire response object, and should return either a string or an object.

If a string is returned, the body attribute of the response is updated.

If an object with a body attribute is returned, the entire response object is replaced. This is useful if you want to manipulate headers or add additional attributes in the Lambda response.

Content Type Negotiation

The header is not the only way the middleware decides which serializer to execute.

The content type is determined in the following order:

  • event.requiredContentType -- allows the handler to override everything else (legacy, will be deprecated in v6)
  • context.preferredMediaTypes -- allows the handler to override the default, but lets the request ask first
  • defaultContentType middleware configuration

All options allow for multiple types to be specified in your order of preference, and the first matching serializer will be executed. When planning to use Accept, an external input, it is recommended to validate that it is an expected value.

Sample usage

import middy from '@middy/core'
import httpContentNegotiation from '@middy/http-content-negotiation'
import httpResponseSerializer from '@middy/http-response-serializer'

const lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
const body = 'Hello World'

return {
statusCode: 200,

export const handler = middy()
.use(httpContentNegotiation()) // Creates `context.preferredMediaTypes`
serializers: [
regex: /^application\/xml$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => `<message>${body}</message>`
regex: /^application\/json$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => JSON.stringify(body)
regex: /^text\/plain$/,
serializer: ({ body }) => body
defaultContentType: 'application/json'

const event = {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/xml;q=0.9, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c'

handler(event, {}, (_, response) => {
equal(response.body, '<message>Hello World</message>')