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This middleware sets HTTP CORS headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials), necessary for making cross-origin requests, to the response object.

Sets headers in after and onError phases.


To install this middleware you can use NPM:

npm install --save @middy/http-cors


  • credentials (bool) (optional): if true, sets Access-Control-Allow-Credentials (default false)
  • disableBeforePreflightResponse (bool) (optional): if false, replies automatically to cors preflight requests. Set to true if handling the response in a custom way (default true)
  • headers (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Allow-Headers (default: false)
  • methods (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Allow-Methods (default: false)
  • getOrigin (function(incomingOrigin:string, options)) (optional): take full control of the generating the returned origin. Defaults to using the origin or origins option.
  • origin (string) (optional): default origin to put in the header (default: '*'). Setting to null will default to excluding the header. Note: will default to null in next major release
  • origins (array) (optional): An array of allowed origins. The incoming origin is matched against the list and is returned if present. If the incoming origin is not found, the header will not be returned. Wildcards can be used within the origin to match multiple origins.
  • exposeHeaders (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Expose-Headers (default: false)
  • maxAge (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Max-Age header (default: null)
  • requestHeaders (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Request-Headers (default: false)
  • requestMethods (string) (optional): value to put in Access-Control-Request-Methods (default: false)
  • cacheControl (string) (optional): value to put in Cache-Control header on pre-flight (OPTIONS) requests (default: null)
import middy from '@middy/core'
import httpErrorHandler from '@middy/http-error-handler'
import cors from '@middy/http-cors'

const lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
throw new createError.UnprocessableEntity()
export const handler = middy()

// when Lambda runs the handler...
handler({}, {}, (_, response) => {
equal(response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'], '*')
deepEqual(response, {
statusCode: 422,
body: 'Unprocessable Entity'

Sample usage

import middy from '@middy/core'
import cors from '@middy/http-cors'

const lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
return {}
export const handler = middy().use(cors()).handler(lambdaHandler)

// when Lambda runs the handler...
handler({}, {}, (_, response) => {
equal(response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'], '*')